
Didn't find your size in the design you liked?

Got an old pair of Jeans/Jacket?

Why not let us upcycle it for you!

Create something that is completely YOU, designed by you and our design team.
or We also have a selection of designs from the website itself.
Take a look at our product images for some inspiration.

Get Tweaking

  • Email or WhatsApp us at info@tigerandtwig.com / +91 9930093153.
  • We will have an in house designer get in touch with you and help you through the process.
  • If you are unsure about what you want, we at Tiger&Twig will help you with the design and if need be have a mood board curated for you.
  • After the design has been confirmed, please allow us a minimum of 8-10 working days for design/repair and delivery [may differ according to the location].

T & C

  • Please make sure the piece of clothing is washed/laundered properly. [Considering covid times]
  • Please notify us of any defects/wear and tear in advance.
  • Before confirming the order our team will ask you to share clear pictures of that particular clothing.
  • The Delivery paid on the order covers the item being returned once finished.

Happy Tweaking!

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